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Tektronix 7s11 sm free download

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_ ~ _ ., ~ . - _ , ~~~ ~ ~ . ." . . . . . . ~ . . , . . , .~ . . - . .. Tektro COMMITTED TO 1X@ E XCELLE N CE PL EAS E C HE CK FOR C HANGE I NFORM ATION AT THE R E AR O F T HIS MANUAL. 7S11 SAMPLING UNIT INSTRUCTION MANUAL " Tektro n i x , Inc. . . Box 500 B eaverto n , Orego n 97077 Serial Nu mber F irst P ri n ting F EB 1970 070-0985-00 Revised JU N 1981 Co pyrig h t ' 1970 Te ktro n ix, I n c. All rig h ts reser v e d . Conte n ts of this p u blication may n ot be reproduced in anyform without t h e written permission of Te k tronix, Inc . P roducts of Te k tronix, Inc . and its s ub sidiaries are covered by U .S . and foreig n patents a n d'or p e n ding pate n ts. TEKTRONIX, , SCO PE- MO B IL E , and are registere d trademar k s of Tektronix, Inc . T ELE Q U IP- is registere d trademar k of Tektronix U .K L imite d . P rinte d in U Specification and . .S price c h a n ge pri v ileges are reser v ed . TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 SPECIFICATION Page General Information 1-1 Electrical 1-1 Environmental Characteristics 1-2 Physical Characteristics 1-2 SECTION 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS General Information 2-1 Installation 2-1 Mating 2-1 First-Time Operation 2-2 Equivalent-Time Sampling Operation 2-2 Controls and Connectors 2-2 Basic Operating Information 2-2 Basic Applications 2-9 SECTION 3 BASIC SAMPLING PRINCIPLES Introduction 3-1 Basic Sampling Techniques 3-1 Effective Sampling Time 3-4 Traveling Wave Sampling Gate 3-5 Dot Response (Loop Gain) 3-5 Smoothing 3-5 Smoothing of Random Noise

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